Kind of fell in love with a house but…

 In RealEstate

A house recently came on the market and it’s the location we want (which has been hard for find) and I kind of love the interior. It’s under our budget as well. BUT…

It’s oil heat and there is no central air. So the lower price makes more sense now.

I kind of want this house but we’d need to convert to electric (gas is not available) and we’d have to install central air.

Have no idea what to expect to pay to have both of these things added, and I’m trying to factor that into our budget and what to offer.

It’s listed at 475k, and we were hoping to buy our house for no more than 530. Which means a deficit of 55k that we could spend on adding electric & central air IF we simply bid at asking price.

What do y’all think?

submitted by /u/Ok-Structure6795
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