Neighbor From Hell and An Easement

 In RealEstate


I have purchased a 3.5 acre property in a rural part of Texas. The land has a 30′ wide easement that runs on the edge of my land and allows my neighbor to enter his property.

The first day I met the neighbor, he refused to say hi to me and just jumped on his lawn mower to cut the grass on my land. Weeks later he then proceed to ask me to not enter the rest of my land through the easement because his water line has broken in the past. Not long after that, he built a large wooden box to hide his trash cans.

After asking him to remove the trash can wooden box, he proceeded to just put it outside of my land and put it in the curb near the ditch in front.

Now he is building a fence with t post to prevent me from driving from the easement (which is in my land) to the rest of my property.

I have stood up to this guy every time he pulls one of his shenanigans (stayed civil), but I think he is just doing it because he takes pleasure in causing trouble.

I have reached out to real estate lawyers in my area, and it will cost me at least $2500 to have someone listen to me and write a demand letter. I don’t have a lot of money, and should my neighbor decide to ignore a demand letter I’m afraid I will have to spend a portion of my savings for some silly metal t-posts.

Do you guys know what I could do besides involving a lawyer?

Easement: Right-Of-Way Easement.


submitted by /u/Creepy_Sell_6871
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