Really feel the realtor fee change screws up buyers

 In RealEstate

In VHCOL area and house inventory is very low. I don’t really see how the seller would adjust the price or cover the buyer agent fee in the purchase negotiation.

As for the buyer agent, we have a few recommended to us. After talking to them, I feel they are good. the new buyer agreement coming out soon will include 2-3% agent fee. We could walk away and then continue to talk to more agents and negotiate for a lower fee. We all have full time jobs and it is just not realistic to interview agents over and over and negotiate over and over.

I think we will end up paying agent fee ourselves when we purchase in the near future.

This policy change may help in some areas like bay area where agents constantly push for bidding wars and some experienced buyer who have a lot of spare time. For an average buyer in other places, I really don’t see how it would help.

submitted by /u/Hellokitty111222
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