Should we continue with this new build?

 In RealEstate

My husband and I are first time homebuyers and have found the opportunity to build a semi custom home within our budget. The realtor employed by the builder was very attentive and scheduled showings for the model home and lot very quickly. Once we chose our lot, it has been like pulling teeth to get them to respond. After 5 days, we finally scheduled a meeting with the builder (it’s a small builder so they do consultations with customers) and they said they’d have us a contract to review and sign over by the end of the weekend. That was at 8 am Friday. It was Father’s Day weekend so we didn’t think twice about it but now that it’s almost Tuesday and haven’t heard anything from them, we are a little frustrated. We are new to this process but I feel like they should be the ones bugging us since we are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is this a red flag? Are building realtors usually bad at communicating?

submitted by /u/Paris_Hilton_wannabe
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