Bought a house 2 weeks ago, just discovered sellers covered up 2 HUGE issues that weren’t caught by inspection. Is this grounds for breach of contract?

 In RealEstate

Within the first week the bathroom downstairs flooded when the upstairs toilet was flushed. Plumbers came out, said entire plumbing system underneath house in crawlspace needed to be replaced. Showed us the extremely corroded pipes and lines. It was REALLY bad. Entire crawlspace was filled with sewage that had been leaking for God knows how long. 12k for that. It started raining while plumbers were down there and crawlspace became flooded and that’s how we discovered when it rains the crawlspace floods very badly. Now we have to have someone install sump pumps and redo our drainage system to keep the house’s foundation being compromised AND there’s mold down there from the constant moisture from the leaks and the flooding during rain and it rains frequently where I am. The sellers indicated on the contract that they were unaware of any plumbing or crawlspace issues such as flooding. The inspector said the plumbing was good and no drainage issues. The plumbers found the crawlspace full of talcum powder that the sellers placed in order to absorb moisture and they also installed makeshift drains in the foundation that do not work along with placing bricks around the side of the house to try to prevent water seeping in which we didn’t notice until we realized there was an issue plus much more. My question is, is this worth suing over? We would not have bought this house had we known about these problems.

submitted by /u/superawesomeyeah
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