I took my real estate exam today….

 In RealEstate

This morning I took the real estate exam for the very first time and passed. I’ve seen post here and there about people passing after several attempts and getting kind of shamed for it and at the time I never understood why some were being harsh and this post isn’t about bragging or boasting. However, I soon understood why. This post is about how utterly dumbfounded I am after taking the exam, realizing the exam was one of the most easiest I have personally ever seen. Math was middle school level at best, common sense answers and whatnot. I don’t necessarily want to say the bar is low, but I was expecting more. It also makes me realize that there are probably a lot of negligent salespeople in the industry. So I’m gonna end this post with a question, What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen a “bad” salesperson/agent do due to their lack of professionalism and/or care?

submitted by /u/Lazy_Hovercraft4634
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