Should I Change My Realtor?

 In RealEstate

FTHB. I have been looking for a house since January in a hot market (everywhere is I know) in the Northeast. My realtor is very nice and initially was quite helpful. She helped my sister get a house. She set up and came to showings with me for the first 5 or so homes. I have offered on 3 now, decided not to go up to my escalation clause max on the first although could’ve won it. I came to the conclusion I did not like the location when it got real. Went over asking 40k and 45k on the next two and lost both quite handily. She also basically told me to waive inspection because it will make home buying significantly harder in today’s market – which I understand and have been doing walkthrough “inspections” and waiving the formal.

Since then, she is slow with responding to my inquiries and has sent a student out to the showings instead of coming herself. I feel I am not getting the support – although I have no frame of reference on how this is supposed to work given it is my first time. Friends have told me they had someone who came to all showings and was responsive quickly. Frustrated with the overall home buying process and my realtor I suppose. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

submitted by /u/Akor123
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